If interested in reading my books via Smashwords, go to this link.  My latest book.  BEHAVIORAL CURSES THAT CHANGE INTO BLESSINGS WITH CHRIST.  This book brings attention to the behaviors, one may have that can contribute to a curse.  But by Christ it can change into a blessing.  A must read for someone wondering about generational curses etc.  And why we do some of the things we do.... "HOW TO HAVE FAITH" This book is a self-help book to bring insight to your faith, and to know what pleases God.  Both are on SMASHWORDS..... If interested in ordering the Paper Back go to this link.

If interested in reading my books via Smashwords, go to this link. My latest book. BEHAVIORAL CURSES THAT CHANGE INTO BLESSINGS WITH CHRIST. This book brings attention to the behaviors, one may have that can contribute to a curse. But by Christ it can change into a blessing. A must read for someone wondering about generational curses etc. And why we do some of the things we do….
“HOW TO HAVE FAITH” This book is a self-help book to bring insight to your faith, and to know what pleases God. Both are on SMASHWORDS…..
If interested in ordering the Paper Back go to this link.

Matthew 6:14  

For if ye forgive men their tresspasses, your heavenly father will also forgive you.   

Today I publicly acknowledge, I forgive.  I forgive those who have tried to hurt me. By being rude, or snubbing me in rejection, or dumping on me with mean thoughts or attacking my stance according to my feelings that I use a King James Bible. Or whatever else it may be that bothers them about me.

I want to grow. I want to change. When I am wrong, I want to say I am sorry. If I communicate with someone who does not agree with me, I want to use love.

But I pray for those who cannot apologize or say they are sorry for their part in it. Their pride stops them.  I pray for them because even though I am called to forgive they will not grow themselves until they see the error of their own ways. And not just mine….we are commanded to love one another.

Lord, I serve you, and I suppose, I am doing this, just because it is a new year, and maybe even from the example of the life of Louis Zamperini.  And the movie Unbroken.  He went back to Japan, and had closure, and tried to acknowledge his forgiveness to those who hurt him during the war.  

Father, sometimes there is spiritual warfare.  In what we do for you.  And lately, it seems for me, I have been engaged with many, and that warfare has tried to rear its ugly head.  In my life, and my feelings.  I purge myself of that, by the blood of Jesus, and yes Lord, I do forgive. Christ forgives…. 

I do want to walk in love with others.  I hold no ill feelings to any one, so you can forgive me as well for my short comings.  Repentance is good for the soul.  

Being accountable for our own mistakes, helps us to grow I see it.  Thank you Father, for forgiving me, even years ago, when I gave my heart to you.  

But I will always ask, for forgiveness.  Because I realize I am not perfect.  Never have been, and never will be, until I stand before you.  We all sin, and do come short of your glory. Romans 3:23. So till then, I can try and keep my own heart by forgiving and keep clean so Christ can live in my heart.  Thank you Father. In Jesus name.  Amen.  

A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. (John 13:34 KJV)

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